Foundations of Life Pregnancy Center

Foundations of Life Pregnancy Centers of Catholic Charities offer support services to women who are facing unplanned pregnancy. Our support for women of all ages is FREE, CONFIDENTIAL and NONJUDGMENTAL.

The staff of our Pregnancy Centers (five in all) are there to listen to you – your fears, concerns and thoughts. We care about you and your needs. In addition to listening, our staff will ask questions and share options for you to consider. We believe you owe it to yourself and your baby to get the best information to protect your health and your future.

Primary (Pregnancy-Related) Services

  • * Pregnancy Options – accurate information on abortion, parenting and adoption
  • * FREE Pregnancy Test
  • * FREE Limited Ultrasound
  • * Community Resources
  • * Medical Referrals
  • * Mentoring Program – Balance Life
  • * Program-Mentoring/Incentive
  • * Parenting and ‘All About Baby’ Resources
  • * Maternity and Infant Supplies (up to 24 months, even for your existing baby)
  • * Project Rachel – post-abortion healing and reconciliation
  • * Emergency Food Items
  • * Pre-Natal Childbirth Education
  • * Infant Parenting Classes
  • * Abstinence Education
  • * Fertility Care

Other Services

Sometimes our clients share additional concerns or needs they have.  For example, some of our clients suffer from mental health issues (e.g., depression or anxiety) or experience food insecurity or are at risk of becoming homeless (e.g., parents making them leave the home, or lost employment and being evicted from apartment). In those instances, we can either help them within the Foundations of Life program (for those services for which we have funding or capacity) or direct them to other Catholic Charities programs that can provide the necessary assistance. Finally, if Foundations of Life nor another Catholic Charities program has the funding or capacity to provide the necessary assistance, we will direct them to other service providers with the capacity to address their need. Three common needs are addressed below:

Mental Health

Many of our clients are suffering from mental health issues (depression and/or anxiety being among the most common). While Foundations of Life Pregnancy Services does not have the capacity for addressing these needs, we will refer our clients to Catholic Charities Pathways to Mental Health counseling services program.

Food Insecurity

Beyond baby food we can provide, depending upon our resources, we can provide financial assistance that will allow our clients to purchase groceries or meals. We also direct them to our own or other food banks or food pantries (our two are located Dover and Dade City, respectively) near them, so they can receive needed supplies consistently.

Homeless Prevention

We have several options to assist our clients at risk of losing their housing (in order of choice):

(1) We will temporarily assist the women with paying bills or finding new, affordable housing using resources that have been designated to Foundations of Life Pregnancy Services and restricted to provide assistance specifically for this purpose.

2) If we do not have the funds needed to provide assistance, we will refer the client to our Pathways, Rapid Rehousing and Homeless Prevention program. They will receive similar assistance subject to funding availability.

3) We will refer them to other financial or housing assistance service providers (e.g., 2-1-1)


Our team is here for you: to listen to your concerns, to share ideas and options and to answer your questions about pregnancy, abortion and related issues. All our services are confidential and offered free of charge. To learn more, please go to